TTMM (Tujha Tu Majha Mi) movie has a five songs which are very different from one another, TTMM is a nice album with a fantastic young vibe, the title track of "TTMM" is nice peppy song beautifully sung by Rupali Moghe and very well written by Valay Mulgund, lyrics of the song conveys language of todays youth. The romantic deut "Kshan Mohare" sung by Rohit Raut and 'The Voice India' fame Shrinidhi Ghatate is a nice calm song in first but as it progress it jumps to fast pace, lyrics of the song is written by Kshitij Patwardhan. The third song "Sajiri Gojiri" from the movie is a marriage song written by Omkar Mangesh Datt and crooned by Sahil Kulkarni, Rupali Moghe and Sagar Phadke, "Yena Yena (Kshitij Nave)" is a another romantic number from the movie sung by Sayalie Pankaj, lyrics of the song is beautifully penned by Guru Thakur and the last song from the movie is "Saiyaan" is another beautiful song sung by Nandini Srikar and very well written by Kshitij Patwardhan. The music composition by Pankajj Padghan has perfectly brought out the soul of the film. It is a nice album to soothe your nerves and a couple of songs are definetly worthy of begin played in loop.